Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Application Governance with the WSO2 Governance Registry

We are doing a webinar on "Application Governance with the WSO2 Governance Registry" on Thursday, August 23. Here is the abstract that is published on the WSO2 site. Refer [1] for more information.

At any given time enterprises have several development teams working on a range of applications, all at various stages - from development, to quality assurance, to production. Finding a single product, with the capabilities for storing these applications and managing the lifecycle of each artifact across different environments, is a challenge.

The WSO2 Governance Registry is the central repository management product of the WSO2 SOA platform. It is a single product that utilizes its lifecycle management functionality to move configuration artifacts and descriptions (such as Services, WSDLs and WADLs) between development, test, and production environments.

Join Janaka Ranabahu for this webinar as he examines two features in the WSO2 Governance Registry: the powerful asset definition language (RXT) and lifecycle configuration model. Based on standard XML configurations, these features enable users to define any kind of asset or lifecycle model with ease. Additionally, Janaka will demonstrate how to combine these features along with the other functionality in the WSO2 Governance Registry to govern an application across several environments.
During the demonstration, he will
  • Introduce an application asset using the RXT configuration.
  • Define a new lifecycle to manage these artifacts.
  • Show how you can use the lifecycle management functionality in the WSO2 Governance Registry to move artifacts across multiple environments.

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