Monday, May 28, 2012

Lifecycles in WSO2 Governance Registry 4.1.1

Today I thought of taking you all through the lifecycle improvements that we did for WSO2 Governance Registry 4.1.1. We introduced a new lifecycle model with the WSO2 Governance Registry 4.0.0 release. This  model had many improvements when compared with the older versions(like G-Reg 3.6.0 and earlier versions) and had lot of flexibility. A detailed description about this model can be found here. This post focuses more towards the improvements that we did from G-Reg 4.0.0 to G-Reg 4.1.1.

The main improvement we did was to add couple of extension points to the lifecycle model in G-Reg 4.0.0. The lifecycle model in G-Reg 4.0.0 had extension points like "validations" and "permissions" which could be used to customize the behavior of the lifecycle runtime execution. Extension points like "validations" are a good method to run some custom code at a check item click or prior to a transition but our lifecycle model lacked the ability to attach an extension after a transition. So, for that we have introduced the following extension points in G-Reg 4.1.1 release.

  1. Executors
  2. Transition UI
With these new extension points, our lifecycle model has the ability to handle various kinds of validations and executions. In brief, our new lifecycle model allows users to plugin their custom code before and after a state transition. A detailed post about "Executors" can be found in here. I'll be covering the about the  "transition UI" improvements in another post. 

For more details about WSO2 Governance Registry 4.1.1, please go through our documentation which can be found here. Also you can find more details about the lifecycle model in WSO2 Governance Registry using this link.

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