Sunday, December 19, 2010


It's been a long time since I had the idea of starting a blog. Everyday due to some reason I keep forgetting about the idea of starting a blog. The first thought that came to my mind about blogging is that "What am I going to blog about?" After a long battle in my mind about this, I came to realize that there are lots of things to blog about. I just didn't noticed them.

As a start I'm writing this blog to give some idea of whats coming in the future to the guys and gals who are interested in my blog. This is not a blog where I try to publish everything that goes through my mind. Instead I'm hoping of using this blog to share my experiences and knowledge as well.

This particular blog post of mine is a very short one. The thought that came across my mind is that "we have to start something small and then gradually build it." So I'm publishing this post to give life to my idea of blogging.

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